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sábado, 18 de julio de 2020


The true story of Creation

«Love is perfected in forgiveness, mature in understanding, lives in tolerance and feeds on understanding and charity. There is no love without mercy, and all this is confirmed by the essence of this terrestrial humanity. "

                                                                                                Sampiac Guide.Boletín 5ª Humanidad: PARA PENSAR: Un consejo de OXALC

The Cosmic Plan is an alternative project of the current Universal Creation that seeks through a new humanity (like ours) to achieve the evolutionary destabilization in which that Creation has fallen. The key to activate this progressive process again is in our hands, and it is Love. Yes, it is the being creators of transcendental acts of spiritual love.

He puts it this way, the Sampiac Guide:

«Your role is a role in which you will discover the bearers of the key of a« secret threshold »that only you can access first, so that others (your brothers in the cosmos) learning humbly from their effort can then locate it and cross it too. "

"What you must develop is a different experience of love. Because for the most advanced civilizations in this last Creation, love has meant the common good. As a measure of coexistence and elevation, but that quickly knew its limitations and produced a relative stagnation in the evolutionary ascent. Now, after having observed them for a long time of your time, we are convinced that there is in you the key of all the answers of what we have waited for; and that it is possible through your participation, that we can learn all of us new alternatives of evolution; different facets in a general rethinking of everything we have experienced and how we have understood and focused so far. And this is because nobody knows everything, nor has he experienced everything, and even less in love, where every day a new and enriching experience is proposed. "

The Outlines of the Plan

The Cosmic Plan initially focused its attention on eight planets with a particular characteristic (Class Ur planets, the Earth is one of them) in which civilizations could be housed that would eventually be able to give rapid and unparalleled evolutionary leaps, transforming themselves its inhabitants with the passing of time, teachers of their own teachers.

The central parameter for these humanities was that the beings that made up these civilizations could by their own effort and only with a minimal guidance from their older brothers, reach through FAITH to recognize their potential and their place in the Cosmos, so that by taking the post of Light that corresponds to it, assume its function of bridge uniting planes, dimensions and universes, and of guidance for all those who wait for it, and for those who do not, the dissenters of the Plan, by means of an infinite love developed in its own essence, they would lay a compassionate hand showing them the way of mercy and forgiveness.

Currently, only the Earth, has reached to develop the parameters or requirements at the beginning outlined. In the other seven, for different reasons, whether attributed to the harassment or mismanagement of project monitors, the villagers and their homes have disappeared or have generated an inadequate dependence.

The Earth and its inhabitants, without wanting to, have ended up being protagonists of this great "cosmic theatrical work", which directs its natural scenario to a last act not yet written, but which dazzles a happy ending, since there is a great hope in which its actors, who were in mid-function taking particular expectations and partisan positions, can unite and carry out the design emanated in principle, through resignation and detachment, from collaboration and respect, from work and joy, and of love and forgiveness.

«Rejoice because in your world the favorable conditions are being given so that the vibrational level is approaching the fourth dimension of consciousness. You with your personal and group effort are making it possible for help to be given as was established in the Cosmic Plan, on the one hand by the White Brotherhood of the Star and on the other by the White Brotherhood of the Earth, which together with the workers of the work represented by you, servants of light, is achieving to realize the positive that was written so that it would be fulfilled in the times of change on this planet of experimentation and, at the same time, many new things full of hope are being written, that will soon make your world join the planets of the Confederation to be part of the aid to other worlds ».

     Anitac Guide                        Unidos En El Contacto - English - Images of the Guides

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