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sábado, 18 de julio de 2020

Sixto Final June 17

Dear friends:

I am pleased to share this special interview with Sixto Paz Wells, the main subject is about “The Invitation”, book which is now available as well as meditation CDs,

After "The Invitation”, you will never see the world the same way. Back in 1974, a group of teenage Peruvians became part of a fascinating journey through the remote mystical places of Peru. Through the narrative of Sixto Paz Wells, the audience is confronted with one of the most complex cases of ET contact ever documented.

In this interview he will tell us the best ways to have contact with these beings, and places some of which are part of the Universal History and nonetheless, which are portals to another reality, like the great Pyramids of Egypt to give an example. The translation and VoiceOver has been done by Cesar J. Reategui, who is a good friend of his, and has also shared and accompany Sixto in many outings.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information about this,


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