So you have to be careful about certain people seeking to use the mission and take advantage of it, its prestige and history. These people mistaken on more than one occasion have peaked already that Mission Rama does not go, and not to meditate, and already everything in Rama is more than overcome (and yet use the names of the guides to transmit contradictory information, seeking to change everything already transmitted and sow doubt about everything checked). These people suggest new initiations and concepts and energies that are copied certain topics of recent Hollywood films speak, so we must be alert not to fall into the game of the sowers of confusion between groups.
"Si fueramos los unicos en el universo, seria un gran desperdicio de espacio" Carl Sagan. Que pequeño seria Dios, si despues de haber creado este inmenso universo, poblara solamente este pequeño planeta tierra. Ese no es el Dios que yo conozco" Papa John XXIII
martes, 4 de octubre de 2016
Since the contact experience of Rama Mission began, its characteristic was the evolution of individual experiences to group experiences, which quickly the other members could verify the reality of the process of contact, experiencing it firsthand and checking the accuracy of the concepts shared, which time has been commissioned to demonstrate convincingly in all scientific discoveries made in the following decades.
Rama Mission was dissolved in 1990 as an organization to avoid being mistaken for a sect or a social club, demonstrating its universal character and detachment, but the movement and philosophy of the group have continued more relevant than ever. It was also to prevent particular interests and ambitions making disappear the real contact.
More than forty-one years ago scientists thought the space was empty; that there was nothing between the planets, stars and galaxies; the only solar system with planets that had been verified was ours, so probably we were the only one with planets in the universe; that the only place where water had been detected, was Earth, so we were probably a unique case in the cosmos; the distance in the universe are huge and it would be impossible for anyone to visit us and even less for us to travel to other solar systems and galaxies.
Since contact began, our minds, hearts and souls eager to know began, they opened to the knowledge that the Elder Brothers of the Cosmos were willing to share with us. Concepts like the space is full of life, the raw material for life is plaguing the universe; that the phenomenon of life is common throughout the cosmos; that the same processes that have taken place here have everywhere; that life adapts to extreme conditions and makes its way by any means. Meteorites and comets act as cosmic sperm bringing water, oxygen and organic matter bombarding the worlds, fertilizing them. That the universe is crossed by lines of force or energy currents of energy as roads, tunnels or dimensional folds that connect galaxies, which allow to travel through time and space. In the center of galaxies there is no black holes but super-massive stars that function as interdimentional portals. That the Galactic Center every 26,000 years emits a pulse or irradiation that affects the entire galaxy, creating mutations and violent changes are made. Climate change product of the arrival of the intense energy from 1990 onwards would be accentuated, the climate change would not be the result of environmental pollution, this accelerates the process but does causes it. That Mars had water in the subsoil beneath the surface and survivors of two races lived there; that Jupiter's moons had internal oceans, and on icy surfaces aliens had seaweed plantations; they took advantage of the geothermal and volcanic energy of the Jovian moons and had adapted life artificially and largely underground. That time in the universe is like an upward spiral; that our planet was destroyed 1,200 million years ago and was recovered by extraterrestrial civilizations traveling through time and space, creating an alternative time as a matrix or holographic virtual reality, it has been running parallel to real time, allowing aliens experience here trying to create conditions for the emergence of a civilization under a different pattern of evolution based on love, which ended by teaching them to leave a sort of evolutionary stagnation. This alternative time would never have to get close to real time and yet it happened, when levels of interaction of alien civilizations exceeded what was permitted or planned, with fights between them caused by "fear" which some of them had-, we could endanger the established order. To this we add that hybridizations were subsequently produced and even deportation of aliens to Earth, which ended dangerously approaching the possibility of synchronization of time or the rotation time, prophetically announced by the Mayas, which meant that both times They merge into one as of December 21, 2012, bringing our planet to the "Fourth Dimension" (which is the time and extrasensory perception), occupying our world the place of the dead or missing Earth and collapsing the space time , dragging it behind us, changing history and generating in aliens a sort of memory loss of much of the process of "Cosmic Plan", they having been anticipated to leave recorded information in a sort of "time capsule" that is our DNA.
For much of this has been theorized, checked and subsequently verified by scientists in these more than four decades, after having it channelized. A specific example of this is that in the first physical contact witnessed by four people in mid-1974 in the desert of Chilca, the being that descended from the ship had more than two and a half meters tall, and had a look as an Scandinavian and then he said to come from a planet called "APU" from the Alpha Centauri star, at only 4.2 light years away from Earth. At the time this statement was more than ridiculous, but at the end of 2012 NASA announced the discovery of an exoplanet, with features similar to those on Earth, only bigger, orbiting Alpha Centauri 4.2 light years away.
Names and words like Oxalc, Oxlam, Antar, Antarel, Sampiac, Anitac, Oscim, Erjabel, Xendra, Crystals of Cesium, Inner Retreats, Book of the White Robes, etc had not previously been heard in contact with Mission Rama, and today together with the above concepts presented, they are an important part of world culture, something that can not help but be proud. Also places like Chilca, Marcahuasi, Pozo Santo, Paradise Beach, Huaypo, Paititi, Cypresses Park and many other sites gained popularity, relevance and timeliness based on connecting and travel experiences that were called the Rama groups.
Our contact group which has never claimed to be the only one, or best, but one of many, has helped to sustain the credibility of the UFO phenomenon and the reality of extraterrestrial contact calling for the international press in more than ten times, where journalists were impartial witnesses and objectives of the reality of the contact.
Having had Press meetings that are duly substantiated and supported by strong films and videos. It would be of no use to have an experience of contact if it can't be shown to be true. It is not just to say things but to prove it, because otherwise we would incur in an act of faith and dangerously entails a kind of belief or religion.
Since the experience Rama Mission began there have been a series of initiations to recognize the level of commitment of dedicated people to share and deepen the wisdom of the message. These initiations have been granted to people willing to take on challenges and greater commitments. The big problem that arises is that whoever asks for more, promises more, and the responsibility is greater.
These initiations, description, purpose and development have been received in group outings, with the support in the reception of the message of all present, and more than necessary compelling confirmations. For its transcendent and delicate nature, it's not something you can happily announce that it will happen because it occurs to someone. It has to be anticipated in messages received in groups. And always it requires conclusive ratifications.
The first initiation that we learned and that over time has become more widespread, has been receiving the Cosmic name, a personal vibrational key that is unique, and that does not change, so their condition of "Cosmic Name"; this is that is the same name throughout all your incarnations, and operates as a single mantra, or key and password to remember your past lives and awaken your psychic potential. The first part of the name comes at the same time as our individuality condenses in the cosmic pond. That sound is what occurred in this explosion of light and sound that accompanied the process of individualization of our soul. From that moment we began a long process of incarnations where in some of them, we will receive the cosmic termination, which occurs when at some later existence as a result of internal maturity, we become aware of the spiritual path, which brings a new explosion of light and sound and a sound or vibration that is added to one that we already had.
The cosmic name is received through meditation wether its Xolar or Lunar, or you can receive as a telepathic revelation or in astral level, in dreams. In some cases, "qualified antennas", could channeled them in communication. But these people have to be the best. Necessarily have to be people who have demonstrated their commitment to the mission, and that live their life up to the supported ideals, plus they have verified their confirmation messages which have witnessed all attendees at the time of reception.
The purpose of the "Cosmic Name" is that we have a tool for self-knowledge, a key that allows us to open our own doors. Meditation is food for the soul and spirit; our lighting power and wisdom, strengthens our aura, making us more sensitive and perceptive. Not to meditate is to risk living in darkness and subtracting the inner strength to our protection against the darkness. No matter what form of meditation, the important thing is the attitude, but if we have techniques that we have been taught, why not be faithful to them.
Beware of those voices that suggest at this time that is no longer necessary to meditate; that meditation went out of fashion, that we are in a new and different time so that's already overcome, because those voices are possessing minds and weak spirits, and they come from those who still exercise in the shade control and domain over this world and think about how to debilitate us.
The second initiation within the Mission but not necessarily in this order, as time has shown us the apparent disorder or random order of initiations to be given over time, has been of the Crystals of Cesium. Cesium is an alkaline metal and essential material for these extraterrestrial civilizations visiting us from the colonies of the moons of Jupiter and Alpha Centauri material.
Receipt of the initiation of the Crystals of Cesium is materializing in both palms of a kind as plasma, which gradually being consolidated, taking the form of crystal pyramids. Observing them is not only possible but essential to guarantee its reception. The reception occurs only during endorsed and supported outings and by the presence of the ships of the guides, and when advance notice has been given, and have anticipated receipt. And not necessarily all receive them.
It must ensure that the person observes its own reception and be attentive to all the feelings that may arise from it. Moreover, it is more convenient to place the rest of the group close enough and around them to whom receives them, to act as witnesses to the demonstrations and reality of the initiation.
Generally what is commonly seen and felt is a glow, as an increasingly bright light in the palms, accompanied by blazes in the chest and on people. The initial brightness is passed to the formation of a sort of ball of light or scoop of a white, gray or bluish color, which then evolves into a bright frost ends shaping the pyramidal crystals, which may be of square base or triangular. Feelings are burning and tingling in the hands. Once the crystals evidently consolidated in the hands, prompted the person to integrate the Crystals in the chest, then left to cross on his chest and the right hand.
Usually the feeling that comes with this is like having something pierced in the breastbone.
When one has received the crystals and is in front of another person who also has them, or just think about them, it could lead to reproduce the same sensation of something gone through within. The same thing happens when one hears the cosmic name of another person, whether if it is real or is well received, makes your own crystals vibrate.
Cesium Crystals are a catalyst of a violet energy light that is coming today from the central sun of the galaxy (manasic energy) and that has accompanied the end of the cosmic cycle and the beginning of a new one. That energy is responsible for the large convulsions in the Sun and in the solar system, directly affecting the Earth and increasing climate change and natural disasters and all mutations. The presence of crystals within us that energy does not only hurt us, but on the contrary, that we can use to balance the planet and positively affect the events.
Cesium Crystals also have an important role in decoding symbols to interpret and activate the memory of the Earth, connect to the files of the White Brotherhood and channel all our magical potential (the seven paradigms).
The third initiation into the Rama Mission have been and remain the Xendras or dimensional portals. The Xendra is a projection of energy and concentrated light, which accelerates the vibration of the person and acts as dimensional and threshold step in space time. The guides will materialize them in areas in itself, full of magnetism or where there are significant crossings of telluric energy. The person who crosses a Xendra, depending on its intensity, can be dematerialized to be teleported to another place, annulling its molecular cohesion and its atomic weight. This initiation Rama is the only one who can be done several times, and there is the case, various types of Xendra, which allow for a physical experience, to a mental projection or also bilocatión, or conscious astral projection. There is no correspondence between the time lived within the Xendra and the time lag here on Earth.
Xendra types are:
a) Xendra I: Interdimensional type door to one person accompanied by a guide. This Xendra usually has a crescent shape, iss about ten meters long, as a wall of light from a few centimeters thick, and allows a physical experience of dematerialization, with the disappearance of the person and its projection to another planet , inside a ship or a intraterrestrial or underwater base.
b) Xendra II: That dimensional door that you can enter up to seven people coordinated by two guides. This experience is often also physical, mental projection or bilocation, or astral.
c) Xendra 3-4 "Gimbra" which gives access for up to twelve people at once, and is usually coordinated directly by the Council of the Confederation. This Xendra varies in shape from something like a whitish cloud or bright blue, to a bright purple circle or dome with sparks floating above the ground; can measure more than 15 or 20 meters diameter.
The Xendra Gimbra unlike other types of dimensional step that exist, guarantees a deeply spiritual and cosmic integration experience.
Many people for various reasons, fail to remember what lived inside this experience, so it should work his meditations and retreats to remember.
Importantly, in the strength of the history of the Mission, in 1997 the journalist Rosario Abrahams from the daily Expreso of Lima, after six days of camp meditating with us in Paradise Beach north of Lima, after watching as the ship a shot a beam of light projected on the beach forming the Xendra, was invited to enter it. And upon entering that other reality, she met an old man who told her many things, and then she had the courage to publish it on a full page of the newspaper. Also in 2009, in Rasal (Prineo Aragones) for a six-day retreat, journalist Angeles Macua and cameraman Angel Valcarcel (who had been a year earlier in Benasque, also the Pyrenees) in an output contact with us, where there was even sightings of ships during daylight they observed, together with the soundman from Tele Madrid, after several days of meditation asked permission to enter the Xendra that had materialized in front of us all, and joined together the three living extraordinary experiences and feeling that had been days, weeks or months in that other reality.
The Fourth Initiation within the Rama Mission is the "Third Cristal", an initiation that was channeled in Trujillo in northern Peru, by very responsible and committed group of contact people, which was endorsed overwhelmingly by the guides . This same initiation soon replicated elsewhere, the same as is the receipt of a third Crystal that can be received between the palms. To do this, place the person with bent arms, palms of the hands placed up and placed one on the other. In a few moments it begins to materialize a white light in weight and has hands that produces heat, materializing in the form of a crystal. Once the reception materializes, the person directs the palms to the forehead, introducing the Crystal up to the eyebrows.
A variant of this initiation is the direct reception of a beam of light that is inserted through the front or received by the neck, but that would correspond to the same experience.
The confirmation of receipt of the Third Crystal is difficult because it is located at the height of the third eye and clairvoyant observation of the person could lead us to confuse the opening of the Third Eye with the Crystal received and activated.
All these initiations are more active and relevant than ever in the Mission, since recently have been lived with evident support of the guides in different countries. But how many people know what it really serve the Cosmic name, the manasic energy, Cesium Crystals, the Xendra experiences and even the Third Cristal? How many have understood its meaning? How many know how, what and when to apply? How many meditate and practice what they have learned? People who only seek to reap experiences without merit, without preparation or commitment are those who are on the hunt for new experiences. Well they not achieve anything if they have not valued and learned first. How do you want to study algebra or trigonometry if you do not even know how to add?
So you have to be careful about certain people seeking to use the mission and take advantage of it, its prestige and history. These people mistaken on more than one occasion have peaked already that Mission Rama does not go, and not to meditate, and already everything in Rama is more than overcome (and yet use the names of the guides to transmit contradictory information, seeking to change everything already transmitted and sow doubt about everything checked). These people suggest new initiations and concepts and energies that are copied certain topics of recent Hollywood films speak, so we must be alert not to fall into the game of the sowers of confusion between groups.
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